About Me

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gokcen Erdogan

Gynecologist and Obstetrician, Sexual Therapist.

Dr.Gokcen Erdogan, born in 1976, has her Medical Doctor degree from Uludag University in Turkey. In 2001, she started her Medical Residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Kirikkale University and successfully finished in 2005. Moreover, she has MA degree in Public Health and PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Social Psychology. Dr.Gokcen Erdogan got her Assoc.Prof title from Near East University and teaches Medical students and gives professional trainings up to date. Dr.Gokcen Erdogan is editor of 5 academic books published in Turkey in Cosmetic Gynecology.

Dr.Gokcen Erdogan is a founder of Diva Clinic in Ankara. With more than 25 years of professional experience in Gynecology and obstetrics, she is one of the very first doctors who started working in Cosmetic Gynecology in Turkey. After taking several training courses on Sexual Therapy, Dr.Gokcen Erdogan has been actively treating Vaginismus for many years.

Dr.Gokcen Erdogan is highly specialized in Aesthetic Gynecology surgeries, particularly on Vaginoplasty, Labiaplasty and Hoodectomy. Dr.Gokcen Erdogan was presented with a reward in Cosmetic Gynecology in World Health Summit 2022. Also, she is very well known locally and globally for the high success results for her Myomectomy, and Urinary Incontinence Repair surgeries.

Between 2013 and 2022, she published 4 books, (‘’Gizli Kapaklı Şeyler’’, ‘’Sırra Kalem’’, ‘’Belki Keşke Neyse’’ and ‘’Utanç’’) all consisting her reflections about real life stories of the women she met in her career life. One of her ultimate goals in life is to give her contribution in sexuality education of the society. Dr.Gokcen Erdogan actively uploads informative videos, writes posts and interacts with people on her Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and TikTok channels. Meanwhile, she continues writing articles for different journals and magazines, Internet websites about women’s health, sexual health and women’s issues in social life. She is hugely respected and loved by public for her continuous efforts in educating people, especially women about discovering their bodies and getting awareness on possible symptoms about pathological conditions.

Dr.Gokcen Erdogan is married and mom of 2.